Pleasant Early Marshall, born 16 Feb 1847, Marshall County, Tennessee, son of Robert and Martha (___?___) MARSHALL. He died 11 Nov 1921, Marion County, Illinois. He is buried in Sandy Branch Cemetery, Foster Township, Marion County, Illinois.
Early married 1st Mary Catherine BASSETT 27 Dec 1868, Marion County, Illinois. She was born born 5 Feb 1849, Jefferson County, Indiana, daughter of Harvey Foster and Mary (SULLIVAN) BASSETT. Mary died at the age of twenty-three 17 Oct 1872, of TB, Marion County, Illinois. Mary is buried in Sandy Branch Cemetery, Foster Township, Marion County, Illinois.
The photo at right is Mary Catherine (BASSETT) and Pleasant Early MARSHALL. Original photo is very faded. If anyone vieiwing this has a better quality photo, I would greatly appreciate a copy of it.
Early married 2nd Sarah Armilda BASSETT 20 Feb 1873, Marion County, Illinois. She was born 8 May 1851, Jefferson Co., Indiana, daughter of Harvey Foster and Mary (SULLIVAN) BASSETT. She died of TB 10 Mar 1883, Gainesville, Texas. Sarah is buried in Sandy Branch Cemetery, Foster Township, Marion County, Illinois.
On 11 Sep 1850, the census shows Robert (36) and Martha (34) MARSHALL living in Marshall County, Tennessee. With them were their children Rosetta age 15; C... age 18; George age 11; Alford age 8; Felix age 5; Plesant age 3; and Amanda age 11 months. Also with them was Sarah SCOTT age 81, born in Virginia. Robert and Martha were also born in Virginia. All the children were born in Tennessee.
On 18 Jun 1860, the census shows Pleasant MARSHALL age 15; and Monroe MARSHALL age 16, living in Howell Township, Howell County, Missouri. West Plains Post Office. They were living in the household of James PARKER age 23, born Alabama.
On 1 Apr 1865, Early MARSHALL was mustered into service with Company H of the 7th Illinois Calvary, Wayne County, Illinois. He mustered out with Distinguished Service 4 Nov 1865, Nashville, Tennessee.
On 13 Jul 1870, the census shows E. (25) and Mary (20) MARSHALL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them was their daughter Mary age 2. Their personal property was valued at $350.00.
The photo at left is Sarah Armilda BASSETT. Photo taken before her marriage to Early MARSHALL.
On 15 May 1878, Early MARSHALL purchased land in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois, the NESW, 40 acres for $320.00.
On 29 Jun 1880, the census shows Early (33) and Armilda (29) MARSHAL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them were children Emery age 10; Etta age 8; and Ira C. age 4. Early was a farmer. Early was born in Tennessee. (Note: See Chapter 10 for Emery and Etta.)
On 14 Mar 1884, the Kinmundy Express has, "Mr. Early MARSHALL and Miss Rose ORGAN were married at Salem on Wednesday. We congratulate, and trust that the Organ he has secured will ever make Martial music, that will be agreeable to those who Rose Early in the morning."
On 22 Jun 1900, the censu shows Early (53) and Rosana (41) MARSHALL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. Early was a famer and he owned his farm free of morgage. He was born Feb 1847, Tennessee. Rosana was born Feb 1859, Illinois.
On 6 Apr 1905, the Kinmundy Express has, "For Trustees of Schools: Orcellis SEE, dem., 239; Early MARSHALL, rep., 147."
On 17 Apr 1910, the Kinmundy Express has, "Kinmundy: For School Trustee: J. Ras. JONES, d. - 239; Early MARSHALL, r. - 108"
On 3 May 1910, the census shows Early (63) and Rosana (51) MARSHALL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. The marriage was Early's 3rd and Rosannah's 1st. She had given birth to no children. Early was a farmer and owned his farm free of morgage.
On 16 Jan 1920, the census shows Early (72) and Rossannah (60) MARSHAL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. They owned their home free of morgage. Early was born in Tennessee and his father in Virginia. Rossannah was born in Illinois and her parents in Ohio.
On 17 Nov 1921, the Kinmundy Express has, “Early MARSHALL died on November 11, 1921. His wife Rosannah, two sons, Emry and Ira, one daughter, Etta; grandchildren, Marshall, Burdette, Charles, Glen, Mary, Helen, Kenneth, and Velma McCARTY; Ruth, Virgol, Robert Garnette MARSHALL; one brother, Monroe, and two great-grandchildren, Max and Rex McCARTY, and several nephews and nieces, and innumerable friends are left to mourn their loss. He was born in Marshall county, Tennessee, February 16, 1847. He moved to Illinois while yet a young man. He married Miss Mary BASSETT in 1868, two children, Emry and Etta came to bless their lives. In 1871 they moved to his present home, where he spent the rest of his life, having the misfortune to lose his wife. He later married Miss Armilda BASSETT, to them were born one child, Ira. After Mrs. MARSHALL’s death, he married Rosannah ORGAN, March 12, 1884 who survives him. Mr. MARSHALL served his country by enlisting April 1865 serving in Company H, 7th Cavalry until receiving his honorable discharge. At another time in life he again enlisted but this time in the army of the Lord being baptized by Elder L.C. MOORE, into the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He remained a faithful man of God and passed to his reward at the age of 74 years 8 months 26 days. Funeral at the family residence with burial at Sandy Branch Cemetery.”
On 24 Apr 1930, the census shows the widowed Rosannah MARSHAL age 71, living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. She owned her home. She owned a radio.
On 14 Feb 1935, the Kinmundy Express has, "On Feb. 6, 1935, 35 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Charles WHITSON, north of Alma, to help celebrate his 81st birthday. Mr. WHITSON was born and has spent most of his life in this county. He has 6 living children, of whom 2 daughters were with him on his birthday, namely, Mrs. Ruth SWAYZE and Miss Thelma. Others present were: Mrs. Nellie ORGAN, Mrs. Rose MARSHALL, Mr. Henry ORGAN, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin CONANT and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest WILLIAMS and 2 sons, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph POLANKA Jr. and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter WARREN, Mr. and Mrs. Roy WILLIAMS, 2 sons and little daughter, Mrs. Adolph TOCKSTEIN, daughter and 2 sons, Mr. and Mrs. E.P. MALONE, Mr. S. GENTRY, Mr. Mathis FORD, Miss Norma SWAYZE, Mr. Marion ADAMS, Mrs. Walter SCHOONOVER and Edd ORGAN."
On 23 Feb 1939, the Kinmundy Express has,"Meadow Branch: Mrs. Rose MARSHALL was 80 years old on Feb. 20."
On 5 Mar 1942, the Kinmundy Express has, "Feb. 20 being Mrs. Rose MARSHALL’s 83rd birthday, her relatives, friends and neighbors gave her a card shower. It took her 2 hours to open and read all the mail."
On 30 Mar 1944, the Kinmundy Express has, "Mrs. Rose MARSHALL, 85, of the Meadow Branch community died in her home on March 28, from a few days illness. Services were held from the Linton Funeral Home with interment in Sandy Branch."
Children of Pleasant Early and Mary Catherine (BASSETT) MARSHALL:
1. Mary MARSHALL, born 1868, Marion County, Illinois. Died young.
2. Emory F. MARSHALL, born about 1870, Marion County, Illinois.
Emory married Cora Mae FRANCIS 28 Aug 1895, Wayne County, Illinois.
3. Etta MARSHALL, born 27 Jul 1871, Marion County, Illinois.
Etta married Jacob Charles "Jake" McCARTY 18 Apr 1894, Marion County, Illinois.
(See #3 following)
Son of Pleasant Early & Sarah Armilda (BASSETT) MARSHALL:
4. Ira C. MARSHALL, born 24 Sep 1875, Marion County, Illinois.
Ira married Florence H. HENNINGER.
((See #4 following)
Etta MARSHALL , born 27 Jul 1871, Marion County, Illinois, daughter of Pleasant Early and Mary Catherine (BASSETT) MARSHALL. She died 8 Apr 1946, Summers Hospital, Olney, Richland County, Illinois. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Kinmundy, Marion County, Illinois.
Etta married Jacob Charles "Jake" McCARTY 18 Apr 1894, Marion County, Illinois. He was born 2 Apr 1871 son of William and Rebecca (HATFIELD) (RUSH) McCARTY. Jake died 23 Jul 1966. Etta and Jake are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Kinmundy, Marion County, Illinois.
Jake’s mother, Rebecca HATFIELD, was born Oct 1835, Ohio. Her parents were born in Pennsylvania according to 1900 census.
Jake’s father, William McCARTY, was born 1 Jan 1837, Orange County, Indiana the son of John Louis/Lewis and Margaret (CUTSINGER/KRUTSINGER) (GAMMON) McCARTY. William was living in Meacham Township, Marion County, Illinois in 1860. William was living in Alma Township, Marion County, Illinois by 1900, and was still living there at the age of 73 in 1910. William died 14 Aug 1912 and is buried in Omega Cemetery, Marion County, Illinois.
Property bought by William McCARTY in Marion County:
McCarty, William W2SW Section 24 04N 04E (Meacham Township) 3 03/20/1850 Marion.
McCarty, William SWNE Section 01 04N 04E (Meacham Township) 3 03/20/1850 Marion.
McCarty, William SENW Section 01 04N 04E (Meacham Township) 3 03/20/1850 Marion.
McCarty, William E2SW Section 01 04N 04E (Meacham Township) 3 03/20/1850 Marion.
McCarty, William SE Section 01 04N 04E (Meacham Township) 3 03/20/1850 Marion.
William’s father, John L., was born 4 Mar 1812, Tennessee, son of John and Margaret (McELYEA) McCARTY. John was the son of Jacob McCARTY. John L. married Margaret 18 Jan 1834, Orange County, Indiana. John L. died 11 Sep 1897.
Margaret KRUTSINGER was born 15 May 1812, Green County, Tennessee, daughter of Martin and Elizabeth (SNIDER) CUTSINGER.
John Lewis and wife Margaret and daughters, Mary, Lucinda and Nancy, were living in Meacham Township, Marion County, Illinois in 1860. John Lewis and Margaret are buried in the Stipp Cemetery, Xenia, Clay County, Illinois.
On 20 Jun 1900, the census shows Jacob C. (29) and Etta (28) McCARTY living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them were their children John M. age 5; Earnest B. age 3; and Charles L. age 1. Jacob was a farmer and owned his farm free of morgage.
On 15 Apr 1910, the census shows Jacob C. (39) and Etta (38) McCarty living in Tonti Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them were their children John M. age 15; Burdette age 12; Charles L. age 10; Glenn A. age 8; Mary C. age 4; Margaret H. age 2; Kenneth E. age 7 months. Etta had given birth to 7 children with all 7 living at time of census. Jacob was a farmer and was renting his farm.
On 28 Jan 1920, the census shows Jacob C. (48) and Etta (48) McCARTY livilng in Tonti Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them were their children Burdette age 22; Charles age 20; Glenn age 17; Mary age 14; Helen age 11; Kenneth age 9; and Velva age 4 years and 5 months. Jacob was a farmer. Burdette was a Hearse Teamster. Charles was a Street Teamsters. Glenn was working on the family farm. They owned their home with a morgage.
On 22 Apr 1930, the census shows Jacob C. (59) and Etta (58) McCARTY living in Alma Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them was their daughter Velva age 14. They were renting their home. They owned a radio. Jake was a farmer.
On 27 Apr 1944, the Kinmundy Express has, "On April 18, 1894, Miss Etta MARSHALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Early MARSHALL residing north of Alma, became the bride of Jacob McCARTY, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McCARTY of Alma. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.J. SIMER in his home in Omega twp. Immediately after their marriage, this couple took up their residence in Alma where the groom engaged in farming. A few years ago they purchased the farm east of Kinmundy where they now reside. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCARTY were born in this county and have lived here all their lives, and they have now reached the ages of 73 and 72 respectively. They have had 8 children, all living: Marshall of Iola; Burdette of Salem; Charles, Harvey, and Glenn of Kinmundy; Mary FAHRENBACHER of Olney; Helen MARQUART, Kenneth, and Velva PETIT, of Harvey; and they have 23 grandchildren. Last Sunday, this couple was surprised when their 8 children and most of the grandchildren came with well filled baskets to help them celebrate the 50th anniversary. The table was decorated with 50 yellow roses, and in the center a 3 tier cake with a gold leaf representing each child, and a yellow rosebud for each of the 23 grandchildren. "
On 18 Apr 1946, the Kinmundy Express has, "Etta MARSHALL McCARTY was born July 21, 1871, near Alma, only daughter of Early and Mary BASSETT MARSHALL. Her early childhood and girlhood was spent in the farm home of her parents north of Alma, during which time she finished the 8th grade in the nearby school of Meadow Branch, and later obtained more advanced instruction in the public school at Kinmundy. While in her youth, she became a member of the Christian Church at Alma. She married J. C. McCARTY on April 18, 1894, by the late Rev. Wm. SIMERS and this couple celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary nearly 2 years ago. 8 children were born, all of whom are still living: 5 sons, Marshall of Iola; Burdette of Salem; Charles of Harvey; Glen of Kinmundy and Kenneth of Harvey; 3 daughters, Mrs. Mary FAHRENBACHER of Olney; Mrs. Helen MARQUART and Mrs. Veva PETIT of Harvey. She is also survived by 23 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild; 1 brother, Emory MARSHALL of Lewistown, Montana; and one half brother, Ira MARSHALL of Alma. During World War I, two of her sons, Burdette and Charles, served with the armed forces overseas, and during the recent was 8 of her grandsons served while 1 grand son-in-law lost his life in Germany. She died April 8 at Summers Hospital in Olney. Services were held from the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery."
Children of Jacob Charles and Etta (MARSHALL) McCARTY:
3-1. John Marshall McCARTY, born 24 Jan 1895, Marion County, Illinois.
John Married 1st Ethel PHILLIPS.
John married 2nd Ethel M. STROUD.
3-2. Burdett Ernest McCARTY, born 20 Aug 1897, Marion County, Illinois.
Burdett married Lera Lorene JOHNSON.
3-3. Charles Lee McCARTY, born 20 Feb 1899, Marion County, Illinois.
Charles married Helen Cleo JOHNSON.
3-4. Glen Aberdean McCARTY, born 28 Aug 1902, Marion County, Illinois.
Glen married Hazel PLOWMAN.
3-5 Mary Rebecca McCARTY, born 30 Aug 1905, Marion County, Illinois.
Mary married Samuel FAHRENBACHER.
3-6. Helen Marguerite McCARTY, born 2 Jun 1908, Marion County, Illinois.
Helen married Elmer O. MARQUART.
3-7. Kenneth Eugene McCARTY, born 18 Sep 1909, Marion County, Illinois.
Kenneth married Ida Katherine ONEJON.
3-8. VELVA McCARTY, born 23 Jul 1915, Marion County, Illinois.
Velva married Ralph PETIT.
Ira C. MARSHALL , born 24 Sep 1875, Marion County, Illinois, son of Pleasant Early and Sarah Armilda (BASSETT) MARSHALL. He died 9 May 1948, Marion County, Illinois. Ira and Florence are buried in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
Ira married Florence H. HENNINGER 1902/03, Marion County, Illinois. She was born 8 Jan 1882, Illinois, daughter of George S. and Lizzie B. HENNINGER. She died 21 Oct 1953.
On 22 Apr 1910, the census shows Ira (34) and Florence (28) MARSHALL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinos. With them was their daughter Ruth age 6 months. They had been married 7 years. Florence had given birth to 2 children with only 1 living at time of census. Ira was a farmer. They owned their farm free of morgage.
On 6 Dec 1917, the Kinmundy Express has, "Ira MARSHAL is in Springfield hospital taking Pasteur treatment after being bitten by a mad dog on his farm west of Kinmundy."
On 12 Sep 1918, his Military Registration Card has, "Ira MARSHALL age 43, born 20 Sep 1875. He was living in Alma, Marion County, Illinois. He was a self-employed farmer. His nearest relative was his wife Florence H. MARSHALL. He was medium height and build with brown eyes and dark hair.
On 16 Jan 1920, the census shows Ira (44) and Florence (38) MARSHAL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them were their children Ruth age 10; Virgil I. age 6; and Robert G. age 10 months. They owned thier home with a morgage. Ira was a farmer.
On 30 Mar 1922, the Kinmundy Express has, "Nominees for the Kinmundy township election which will be held April 4: Democrat ticket is D.C. BEAVER for town clerk, J.H. JACKSON for assessor, G.A. MOORE for commissioner of highways, J.E. CRAIG for school trustee. Republican ticket is no candidate for town clerk, Oswald MILLER for assessor, Will MILLER for commissioner of highways, and Ira MARSHALL for school trustee."
On 8 Mar 1923, the Kinmundy Express has, "An 8 pound girl made her arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL on Tuesday."
On 23 Apr 1930, the census shows Ira (54) and Florence (48) MARSHAL living in Kinmundy Township, Marion County, Illinois. With them were their children Virgil age 16; Robert age 11; and Catherine age 7. They owned their home. They owned their home.
On 8 Oct 1931, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mrs. Esta ROBB, Mrs. Lodema BAYLIS and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL assisted Mrs. A.J. BAYLIS in cooking for threshers Thursday and Friday."
On 12 Jan 1933, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Reindl BAYLIS sawed wood for Ira MARSHALL Friday. Others who helped were Merle BAYLIS, Wes ROBB, Charlie FORTNEY, and Mr. BLACK."
On 2 Feb 1933, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Sunday P.M. callers at the Ira MARSHALL home were, John William and Dorothy McCULLEY, Harold ROBB and Betty Lou MURPHY."
On 24 Aug 1933, the Kinmundy Express has, "Mr. and Mrs. Charles HENNINGER and little son of Altamont visited Sunday with the Ira MARSHALL family. They were accompanied to Vandalia Sunday by Miss Ruth MARSHALL, who will visit there before taking up her school work as teacher at Halsey H.S."
On 18 Oct 1934, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Ira MARSHALL purchased a cow from Wes ROBB recently."
On 21 May 1936, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. Ira MARSHALL called on his uncle, Lafe BASSETT, Sunday morning."
On 21 Mar 1938, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil MARSHALL of Jacksonville, Ill. and Miss Lillian HENNINGER of Vandalia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL and family. It was the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. MARSHALL."
On 14 Apr 1938, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. Forrest JOHNSON was re-elected school director Saturday. The board organized with Ira MARSHALL; President, Forrest JOHNSON, Clerk; Walter WARREN, director."
On 30 Jun 1938, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL, Sunday afternoon."
On 3 Nov 1938, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mrs. Ruby LINTON, our school teacher, had the pupils come Monday morning masked. There were 16 in all. They walked over to Mrs. Ira MARSHALL’s home to be judged by her. Mrs. MARSHALL proclaimed Rosalea RIPPY as best masked. Games and contests were held back at the schoolhouse where prize winners were: Evelyn BLACK, Mona SHREFFLER, George SHREFFLER, and Helen RIPPY. A wiener roast was enjoyed at noon."
On 17 Nov 1938, the Kinmundy Express has, "The Busy Bee Club met with Mrs. Esther ROBB Wednesday. Those present were: Mesdames Lutie McWILLIAMS, Vera McCULLEY, Florence MARSHALL, Clara MILNER, and Miss Dorothy WANTLAND. Quilting on a double wedding ring quilt was the work of the day. At noon a delicious potluck dinner was enjoyed. Mrs. ROBB was ably assisted by her daughter, Miss Mildred."
On 29 Dec 1938, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: The Meadow Branch School of which Mrs. Ruby LINTON is teacher had an excellent program Friday afternoon. The plays and pantomime, "Silent Night" were well received with Mrs. Florence MARSHALL accompanying at the piano. The children enjoyed the little tree and Santa Claus distributed presents and treats from Mrs. LINTON."
On 3 Aug 1939, the Kinmundy Express has, "Dr. D.F. NEATHERY and Mr. Ira MARSHALL were in Effingham Sunday attending the homecoming of their Alma Mater, Austin College."
On 16 Nov 1939, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. HENNINGER, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Lizzie COLLINS and sister, Lillian HENNINGER, all from Vandalia, spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. Ira MARSHALL, and celebrated the 81st birthday of their mother, which was Nov. 14."
On 25 Apr 1940, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch (from last week): The school election was held Saturday and Otis HINES was elected to a 3 year term, and Ira MARSHALL for a 2 year term."
On 18 Jul 1940, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch (from last week): Mr. and Mrs. Ross CHANDLER, Mr. and Mrs. Carl PRICE and mother, Mrs. BLUE, Mrs. Maurice PRICE, and Mrs. HANSEN were 4th of July visitors at the home MILNER home helping celebrate the 18th birthday of Howard MILNER. The cake was baked by his sister, Mrs. Naomi PRICE in 4th of July colors. Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL were afternoon guests."
On 15 Aug 1940, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. Wes ROBB and Mr. Wm. McWILLIAMS called Thursday afternoon at the Ira MARSHALL home."
On 9 Jan 1941, the Kinmundy Expess has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. Ira MARSHALL accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wes ROBB to Vandalia Friday morning where he and Mr. ROBB attended the community sale."
On 16 Jan 1941, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: The Busy Bee Club met Wednesday with Mrs. Clara MILNER. It was the birthday of Mrs. Florence MARSHALL, and she was given the seat of honor at the table."
On 19 Feb 1942, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mrs. Ira MARSHALL was called to Vandalia Feb. 4th to assist with the care of her mother, Mrs. Lizzie B. COLLINS at Vandalia, who was seriously ill with the flu. She died Feb. 10."
On 7 Jan 1943, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch (from last week): The P.T.A. meeting held at the schoolhouse, Dec. 29th was very entertaining. After the business meeting, the children gave their program, which was enjoyed by all. Their pieces, plays and songs were well rendered. Mrs. Florence MARSHALL played the songs for all the children, also 2 piano solos. Mr. Homer MILNER made a good Santa Claus, and each child received a gift and treat from the teacher, Mrs. Rada CALDWELL."
On 26 Aug 1943, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch (from last week): Sergeant Zarold LEWIS, who is home on furlough from New Mexico, where he is in the Medical Corps, made a call on Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL Friday. He entered the army when Robert MARSHALL did, but they were separated at Scott Field."
On 23 Dec 1943, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. Ira MARSHALL helped Mr. Wes ROBB kill a beef Monday."
On 13 Feb 1944, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mrs. Ira MARSHALL received word Sunday of the death of her brother-in-law, George METZGER of Shobonier."
On 15 Jun 1944, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Walter WARREN called on Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL Saturday. Their son, Bennie, has finished his preliminary training at Camp Dodge, and he is now a military police member at Ft. Leonard Wood."
On 27 Jul 1944, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mrs. Mary PATTERSON, who has been visiting her son and family in New York City, stopped off to visit the NICHOLS and BASSETT families enroute to her home at Sarita, Texas. She is spending a few days this week with her cousin, Ira MARSHALL and wife."
On 13 Sep 1945, the Kinmundy Express has, "Mrs. Frank GARRETT and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL assisted Mrs. Wes ROBB with thresher’s dinner Thursday."
On 7 Feb 1946, the Kinmundy Express has, "Meadow Branch: Mrs. Ira MARSHALL spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. A. M. WILSON in Alma, and they attended the Silver Tea given by the Willing Workings Class of the M. E. Sunday School. Mrs. John FORD, Mrs. Claud RAINEY, and Mrs. Dwight DAY rendered two vocal selections, and Mrs. WILSON and Mrs. MARSHALL played a piano duet. Mrs. Waldo BAKER, of Salem, gave a report on the book "The White Tower". After the program, tea, coffee and cakes were served, and all enjoyed a good social time."
On 7 Mar 1946, the Kinmundy Express has, "A picture was printed of Cpl. Robert G. MARSHALL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MARSHALL, who was discharged at Camp Beale, Calif., Feb. 11, after 3½ years in the service. He wears the Good Conduct Medal, the American Theater Ribbon, and the Victory Ribbon. Robert and his bride of 2 years, expect to take up farming just where he left off in 1942."
Children of Ira C. and Florence H. (HENNINGER) MARSHALL:
1-1. Lillian A. MARSHALL, born 1906, Marion County, Illinois. She died 1908 in a fire. She is buried in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
1-2. Ruth MARSHALL, born Oct 1909, Marion County, Illinois.
Ruth married Charles PIERSTORFF.
1-3. Virgil Ira MARSHALL, born 15 May 1913, Marion County, Illinois.
Virgil married twice.
1-4. Mildred Florence MARSHALL, born 1916, Marion County, Illinois. She died 14 Apr 1917. She is buried in Sandy Branch Cemetery.
1-5. Robert G. "Bob" “Bobby” MARSHALL, born 12 Mar 1919, Marion County, Illinois.
Bob married Winnifred STONE.
1-6. Kathryn Elizabeth MARSHALL, born 6 Mar 1923, Marion County, Illinois.
Kathryn married Walter TAYLOR.
The complete Bassett Family Genealogy is located in the files section of the Sandy Branch Yahoo Group.
There are chapters 1 thru 16, including most of the descendents of Harvey Foster Bassett by his two wives, Mary Sullivan Bassett and Sarah Chilton Bassett.